Bosun with OOW, 65m+ S/Y

65m+ private S/Y

Start date and location: End of September/start of October, in the Med

Itinerary: Heading to the States for winter, with plans to go to Greenland next summer

Qualifications needed: OOW 3000. A B1/B2 visa would be advantageous

Skills needed: Must be a strong sailor. Diving experience and qualifications, and/or watersports and sailing instruction experience, as well as a military/security background, are a bonus.

Experience needed: 3-4 years minimum on yachts, including 2 or more years onboard sailing yachts over 45m.

Details: This busy private S/Y is looking for an experienced bosun/second officer to join their fantastic team. This role is nearly all deck, with a little bridge work involved. Unfortunately candidates who smoke or have visible tattoos will not be considered for this position.

To apply, send CVs to


First Mate, 34m S/Y


Bosun, 44m world travelling S/Y